Monday, August 11, 2008

I can't believe summer is almost over. It has gone by so fast. Zach will start 1st grade in 2 weeks and Savannah will start her 1st year of preschool. Savannah is almost completely potty trained -- with only 2 weeks to spare (they have to be potty trained to attend Challenger).

Some funny things the kids have been doing this week -

Dylan likes to flap his arms up and down while in the high chair. Some times with fists (rock) and sometimes with open hands (paper). Zach thinks it's fun to play "Rock, Paper, Scissors" with Dylan. Zach actually lets Dylan win sometimes.

Saturday was uneventful - other than we went to Smith's grocery store. That was the highlight of Savannah's day. It was the Founder's day sale there. They had balloons, free cake and face painting. She was in heaven. We started out the shopping trip with eating cake. Savy's favorite!! And we ended with face painting. She got her face painted as a pink and red kitty cat. She said to me on the way home. I like painted faces better than plain faces.

Then on Sunday as we were getting ready for church, Savannah said, "Mom, I am ready to paint my face." She wanted me to paint her face like a butterfly.


The Despain Gang said...

SO cute! Savannah makes me laugh and I can't believe Zach has taught Dylan how to do rock, paper, scissors. That's genium of Dylan and so sweet of Zach. Good luck in school Zach & Savannah!

Amber Maye said...

Hi Sarah, I found you through Melissa's blog and thought I would say hi. Your kid's are so cute! -amber

Keith and Allie said...

Hey there Sarah! Long time no see or talk! It was good to hear from you on my blog! Your family is also adorable! Congrats on another baby....Dylan is precious! I can't believe you have a son starting 1st grade! Crazy...where did all the years go? I'll email you soon! Love, Allison