Tuesday, August 26, 2008

School Days!

Wow! It was sure quiet at our house today! Zach went to his first day of school as a 1st grader which means he doesn't get out till 3:35. And, Savannah went to her first day of preschool. I actually got to exercise and get ready for the day.

Zach loves school. He told me his favorite thing to do at school was to write in his journal. I was surprised I thought he would say recess was his favorite part because of the new playground at school.

Savannah had a great time at school. She got to paint a big red circle. Painting is her favorite thing to do. She painted not only the paper but on her hands, her face and a little on her dress. I thought I wouldn't have to worry about her making a mess with paints when she was at school.

It is amazing what a few hours away from the kids can do. Zach says I am a lot more fun since he has started school.


The Despain Gang said...

LOL; Zach's hilarious! How great for you and them. Everyone needs a little time to do their thing. How long is Savannah gone to preschool--how many days and hours per day? Great fun

Anonymous said...

I found you on Allison's blog! It has been FOREVER! You have a beautiful family. I'd love to keep in better touch and reconnect with my VERY VERY FIRST BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD! Annie (pepper)